Reforestation, environmental development, growth in the developing world: when
does a green economy come at too high a price? The Ugandan Government wants
to encourage development and boost it’s forest reserves. They’ve leased over 8000
hectares of land to Norwegian based company, Green Resources, Africa’s largest
forestation company.
This sounds like a good news story in Africa, except that Bukaleba Forest Reserve,
on the shores of Lake Victoria, has been home to thousands of rural people for
decades. These villagers are indicative of 90 % of rural Africans who have no land
title. This film explores one simple truth: land acquisitions for growth and
development can compromise the livelihoods of some of the world’s most vulnerable
We hear from the villagers, the Land Ministry, the company at the core. ‘Green: at
what price?’ not only highlights the plight of Ugandan villagers, but reveals a vital
scenario playing out across Africa and around the globe.
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