Stricter penalties if you are distracted while driving

New proposed changes to the Highway Traffic Act are set to provide much stricter penalties for distracted driving.

Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler said, “Many drivers fail to understand the danger associated with distracted driving. In Manitoba, using a hand-operated electronic device, such as a cellphone, while driving is illegal.”

The changes would create tiered licence suspensions for those caught driving while distracted. The first offence you would receive a three-day suspension, the second offence and subsequent offences you would get a  seven-day suspension. The suspensions won’t take place immediately. Drivers will be given up to 48 hours to drive home before the suspension takes place under the proposed legislative amendments.

Changes to the Drivers and Vehicles Act are also being made that will make careless driving a reportable offence and require police who charge people to report the charges to the Registrar of Motor vehicles.

“These stricter penalties for distracted driving are similar to those of impaired driving because the consequences are just as serious,” Schuler said.  “With a roadside licence suspension, we will address the immediate road safety risk and ensure the greatest deterrent impact on driver behaviour.”


Convicted drivers in Manitoba face a $204 fine and a loss of five merits if caught using a hand-held electronic device like a cell phone while driving.

As is currently in place using hands-free devices won’t result in any penalties.


The minister also pointed out that you can also be charged if you are handling a pet while driving or grooming yourself such as putting on makeup while behind the wheel. Any distraction that negatively affects driving behaviour can result in charges.


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