Community Connections Space Opens at Library

Winnipeg’s Millennium Library has opened the book on a newly developed space and set of services aimed at helping its visitors. 

The library staff are joined by community crisis workers who can help patrons connect with community agencies and information on a range of services, including:

  • shelter and housing;
  • social assistance, benefits, employment, and ID assistance;
  • mental health and addiction services; and
  • food security and other basic needs.

The additional services are housed in a space called Community Connections.  The space includes an area for agencies to meet with clients, a public phone and computer, wi-fi and device charging, a light kitchen space and a washroom with a sharps disposal container.

The project cost $236,000, most of which came from the federal government’s Canada Community Revitalization program. 

It’s hoped the Community Connections space and programming will help the library create a positive, secure, and welcoming environment and address some of the problems it has faced by helping link people with help.

“Whether people want to warm up or cool down, or find assistance from the library’s Community Crisis Workers to connect to services, this is meant to be a space of community care built for and by community,” said Sherri Rollins, chair of the city’s protection, community services and parks standing committee.

© 2022

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