Pepper spray used to control behaviour in youth jails
Manitoba’s Children’s Advocate say that pepper spray is being used on children in custody as a means to correct behaviour.
In her annual report released on Wednesday Darlene MacDonald, the children’s advocate says that her office has received complaints from youth in custody that say they are being pepper sprayed, restrained and isolated over behavioural issues.
MacDonald said that her office is extremely concerned over these reports and feels an investigation needs to be opened and the problem needs to be corrected.
According to MacDonald part of the problem occurring in youth jails is the lack of programs and support for the children who, in many cases, have mental health needs. She believes a non punishment methods should be used to handle teens.
Manitoba has the highest rate of children incarcerated in Canada.
Families Minister Scott Fielding said that the government is reviewing the issue in conjunction with the provincial ombudsman.
-News4 Staff-
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