Tories propose new carbon tax of $25 per tonne beginning in 2018

After months of saying it was coming the provincial government finally released their “made-in-Manitoba”  green plan and with it their carbon tax fees.

Effective in 2018 the provincial government proposes that they charge $25 per tonne in carbon tax and keep the fee at that level until 2022. The federal government had proposed a $10 per tonne fee in 2018 with an annual increase of $10 per tonne until 2022.


[jaw_quote author=”Brian Pallister – Premier of Manitoba” ]Our Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan will cost less and reduce more than the made-in-Ottawa carbon tax[/jaw_quote][jaw_clear]


Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna posted on social media Friday that it is a good start but that the federal government has already set a pricing structure and Manitoba will have to “up their game” in the third year of the pricing plan.


I’m looking forward to seeing the details of Manitoba’s plan. But I also want to be very clear: we’ve laid out the price schedule we need to see, which reaches $50/tonne by 2022 – well beyond the $25/tonne carbon price Manitoba is proposing.

We’ll be assessing each province and territory each year on whether their approach to pricing pollution meets the standard we’ve set. So when Manitoba moves forward with this proposal, they’ll be in good shape for the first year and the second year. After that, they’ll need to up their game. 

      – Catherine McKenna-

Earlier this year the Manitoba government sought a legal opinion on if the federal government had the ability to impose a carbon tax on the province. After review, it was concluded that the Canadian government has the constitutional authority to impose its carbon pricing scheme on the province.




“Our vision is to make Manitoba the cleanest, greenest and most climate-resilient province in Canada,” said Premier Brian Pallister.  “We are charting that course with a comprehensive plan based on Manitoba needs and focused on Manitoba priorities.”



“This plan sets out a made-in-Manitoba solution to climate change that respects our clean energy investments, supports our economy and reduces emissions.  It will protect the environment while also building a prosperous low-carbon economy in Manitoba,” said Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires.

The proposed plan would still need to be voted on in the legislature before it is implemented but given the fact that the government has a majority in the house it is highly likely that it will be passed without issue when it is tabled.


-News 4-


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