Man leads Brandon Police on pursuit outside the city

Brandon Police arrested a 42-year-old male suspect after he led them on a chase outside the city Friday morning.

It started around 3:00 am March 16, 2018, after a police officer watched a vehicle “blow through the stop sign” at 15th Street and Pacific Avenue. The vehicle almost lost control as it slid sideways just missing hitting the police cruiser.

The officer tried to pull the driver, who was suspected of impaired driving, over but he refused to stop.

Police pursued as the driver left the city heading east along the Trans-Canada Highway. After about a 30 kilometre chase the driver finally stopped and was taken into custody.

At the time of his arrest, police say the man showed signs of impairment however breath samples showed that he was under the legal limit.

The driver will appear in court this morning and is facing criminal charges of dangerous driving and flight from police.


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