[jaw_highlight]Investigation Update[/jaw_highlight]
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Winnipeg Police are continuing to investigate the disappearance of 59-year-old Eduardo Balaquit.
Balaquit went missing on Monday, June 4, 2018, from the 300 block of Keewatin Street.
Police say that members of the homicide unit have taken charge of the investigation an believe Eduardo was a victim of a crime. The investigation has led police to search in and around Arborg about 119 kilometres north of Winnipeg.
Winnipeg Police Public Information Officer Rob Carver would not say what caused investigators to focus on the Arborg area but he did confirm they expect to be searching there for the next several days.
Residents and businesses in the Arborg area are asked to check their properties and outbuildings and to report anything they considered suspicious on the of Balaquit’s disappearance. Investigators ask that if something suspicious is found to not touch it or disturb the area and contact police.
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Homicide detectives are also asking anyone with surveillance video of around the 300 block of Keewatin Street, who have not already spoken to police to contact them.
Investigators can be reached at 204-986-6508
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