Winnipeg police have arrested two men in connection with the two Valentine’s Day homicides.
Police say that Joseph Moise Francois, 45 from Winnipeg was stabbed and later died after he got into an argument with a man he was socializing with.
It happened on Wednesday, February 14, 2018, around 2;30 am in the 500 block of Furby Street. Police had initially called it a suspicious death but confirmed it was a homicide on Thursday.
RELATED | Furby Street suspicious death a Homicide
Joseph Allan Ballantyne, a 55-year-old male from Winnipeg, has been charged for his alleged involvement with Manslaughter and Fail to Comply with Probation Order.
Ballantyne was held in custody.
The second homicide that day occurred in the first 100 block of Charles Walk.
Just before 9:00 am emergency crews were called to the report of an injured male. When crews arrived they found 27-year-old Conrad Flett from St. Theresa Point in critical condition after being stabbed. He was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards.
RELATED | One dead in Charles Walk Stabbing Wednesday
Investigators learned that Flett was staying with a female he had just started seeing when another male broke into the residence, stabbed Flett then left.
Jarryd Rocky Harper, 25 from Winnipeg has been charged for his alleged involvement with Second Degree Murder
Harper was detained in custody.
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