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Tougher consequences for impaired driving in Manitoba

If you get a warning for impaired driving on an approved screening device in Manitoba you will temporarily lose your vehicle.

Justice Minister Cliff Cullen announced the new tougher and more timely consequences for drinking and driving in the province on Thursday, November 7, 2019.

“Impaired drivers are still taking the lives of Manitobans and we need to do more to make sure people get the message that this is unacceptable,” said Cullen.  “Immediate roadside prohibition ensures on-the-spot consequences for making the poor decision to drink and drive.  The consequences are clear – impaired drivers will lose their licence, their vehicle and face significant financial penalties.”

Immediate roadside prohibition increases the sanctions drivers face if they register a ‘warn’ level on screening devices used by law enforcement.

The new sanctions for drivers who register a ‘warn’ on an approved screening device include a new monetary penalty of $400 for a first violation, escalating to $500 for a second violation and $600 for a third or subsequent violation.  The timeframe for vehicle impoundments also escalate, from three days for a first violation, seven days for a second, or 30 days for a third or subsequent violation. 

A ‘warn’ reading will also get you five demerits while a ‘fail’ or ‘refuse’ will net ten demerits.

The new system doesn’t end there, individuals who refuse the screening will face the same sanctions as if they had a ‘fail’ and will have their vehicles impounded for 60 days.

If you do fail an approved screen test but did not cause an injury or death police officers will have the discretion to impose a $700.00 as well as impose mandatory ignition interlock for one year rather than proceeding with a criminal charge. Drivers would still face a 90-day licence suspension, 30-day vehicle impoundment and mandatory remedial programming.

The new roadside sanctions will come into force on December 16, 2019.

© 2020

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