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Police remind drivers to use common sense this winter

Winnipeg Police have put out a public advisory reminding Winnipeggers of how to keep their vehicles from being stolen as the cold weather makes many of us run our cars to warm them up before we head out into the elements.

Remember never leave your vehicle unattended, running or not, for any length of time while the keys are in the ignition.  Running vehicles that are unattended make for easy targets and most vehicle thefts are crimes of opportunity.

If you want to run your car on those cold Winnipeg mornings then it’s a good idea to install a remote car starter. Your vehicle gets nice and toasty but your keys stay with you reducing your risk.

Leaving children or pets in an unattended vehicle is also never a good idea. Even that quick run into a convenience store can lead to tragic events.

Leaving your spare keys or garage door opener in your vehicle is a simple way to give thieves access to your home, couple that with leaving your registration in the vehicle and you have given them the tools to steal from you and your address.

It’s often fun to go out and spend the day shopping and this time of year many of us are beginning our annual holiday gift buying to avoid the rush. Unfortunately, thieves know this too and target vehicles that are full of newly purchased items. When you go out shopping place your items out of sight in your trunk or use your hatch cover to cover items in the back of your SUV. Never leave valuables in plain sight.

Although we have all heard car alarms going off and gripe and grumble about the sound, they are effective in deterring thieves. Car alarms are meant to draw attention to something happening around the vehicle. Often criminals will move on if they fear you may have a vehicle alarm.

Like in any major city theft is not 100% preventable but by using common sense we can all reduce the risks of being targets.


LINK  | Winnipeg Police Preventing Auto Theft Tips

LINK  | Manitoba Public Insurance Auto Crime



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