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44 people fined for attending private gatherings

Public health restrictions continued to be ignored by some Manitobans over the holidays including 44 people who were fined for attending private gatherings last week.

The province issued an enforcement update on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, for the week of December 21 to 27. 193 warnings and 58 tickets were issued in total.

Three businesses were fined $5,000 each for various offences while 51 individuals were given tickets of $1,296. Four individuals received fines of $298 for failing to wear a mask in indoor public places.

Officials are warning that as New Year’s Eve approaches public health orders are still in place and gatherings of more than 5 people in public or private is not permitted. Those breaching the restrictions will face fines.

Manitobans can report compliance and enforcement issues by calling (204) 945-3744 or online at

The current public health orders are in place until January 8, 2021.

© 2020


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